Sammy Simorangkir - Kesedihanku

Hello guys, i'm back.. sorry for along time i just have alot of things to do before ;) and i hope you understand. Btw, i had a song, actually its a sad song but yea if you feeling like that you can hear it. this song from Sammy Simorangkir and it called "Kesedihanku", so enjoy this song :)

Original Lyrics           

Sepinya hari yang ku lewati
how lonely my days are
Tanpa ada dirimu menemani
Without you by my side
Sunyi ku rasa dalam hidupku
the silence I felt in my life
Tak mampu ku tuk melangkah
can't bring myself to step forward
Masih ku ingat indah
i still remember
your beautiful smile
Yang selalu membuatku
That always makes me
remember you
Terbawa aku dalam sedihku
being carried by my sorrow
Tak sadar kini kau tak di sini
didn't realise that you're not here anymore
Engkau masih yang terindah
you are still the most beautiful
Indah di dalam hatiku
the most beautiful in my heart
Mengapa kisah kita berakhir
why did our story ends
Yang seperti ini
like this...
Masih ku ingat indah
i still remember
your beautiful smile
Yang selalu membuatku
That always makes me
remember you
Terbawa aku dalam sedihku
being carried by my sorrow
Tak sadar kini kau tak di sini
didn't realise that you're not here anymore
Engkau masih yang terindah
you are still the most beautiful
Indah di dalam hatiku
the most beautiful in my heart
Mengapa kisah kita berakhir
why did our story ends
Yang seperti ini
like this...
Yang seperti ini
like this...
Engkau masih yang terindah
you are still the most beautiful
Indah di dalam hatiku
the most beautiful in my heart
Mengapa kisah kita berakhir
why did our story ends
Yang seperti ini
like this...
Hampa kini yang ku rasa
the emptiness that I felt
Menangis pun ku tak mampu
I can't even cry
Hanya sisa kenangan terindah
only the beautiful memory remains
Dan kesedihanku
and my sorrow


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