

 hi guys, how are you? i hope youre okay😉

you know what, today im told my friends about my next plans. its kinda hard to tell something about my mind, just because im not ready to getting judge after that. 

but my opinion was wrong, theyre so supportive to me, so happy to have them on my life, you know, no need to have alot of people closed to me, just had some people who can accept ourself.

i will push myself getting harder, i have to righ!!!!

i dont have many things to do today, i just accompany my friend went to fabric place to buy some and go to mall to find my jeans, because i think my jeans got so old hahha. the last time i got it maybe like 5 years agao or maybe more than it, i think need to check my clothes because some of it already broken but i still wear it i dunno why hahha but yea as long as i like it who cares if it look like homeless hahha 

anyway i just need to think on my mind if i can do that things, i have to right..

do you want to know my new motto😂

"lest try it, for the better future", even tho you dont have any braveness feeling, just do it! just think that its the trial for your next life, so you have to do the best on this time right!!

see yaaa...


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